The purpose of this post is to show you how to express this model in OpenMx.
The data being modeled are in an object called
(see below for the code to create this object as described here.
Here’s Joe’s example structural equation model, as implemented in lavaan:
bifactor <- "
general.factor =~ Easy_Reservation + Preferred_Seats
+ Flight_Options + Ticket_Prices
+ Seat_Comfort + Seat_Roominess
+ Overhead_Storage + Clean_Aircraft
+ Courtesy + Friendliness + Helpfulness + Service
ticketing =~ Easy_Reservation + Preferred_Seats + Flight_Options + Ticket_Prices
aircraft =~ Seat_Comfort + Seat_Roominess + Overhead_Storage + Clean_Aircraft
service =~ Courtesy + Friendliness + Helpfulness + Service"
modelfit <- cfa(bifactor, data=ratings[,1:12], orthogonal=T)
summary(modelfit, fit.measures = TRUE, standardize = T)
bifactor <- "
general =~ Easy_Reservation + Preferred_Seats
+ Flight_Options + Ticket_Prices
+ Seat_Comfort + Seat_Roominess + Overhead_Storage
+ Clean_Aircraft + Courtesy + Friendliness
+ Helpfulness + Service
ticketing =~ Easy_Reservation + Preferred_Seats + Flight_Options + Ticket_Prices
aircraft =~ Seat_Comfort + Seat_Roominess + Overhead_Storage + Clean_Aircraft
service =~ Courtesy + Friendliness + Helpfulness + Service
Satisfaction ~ general + ticketing + aircraft + service
satfit <- sem(bifactor, data=ratings[,c(1:12,13)], orthogonal=T)
summary(satfit, fit.measures = T, standardize = T)
inspect(satfit, "rsquare")
And now the same model in OpenMx
# make up some helpful lists of items we will need
serviceVars = c("Courtesy", "Friendliness", "Helpfulness", "Service")
aircraftVars = c("Seat_Comfort", "Seat_Roominess", "Overhead_Storage", "Clean_Aircraft")
ticketingVars = c("Easy_Reservation", "Preferred_Seats", "Flight_Options", "Ticket_Prices")
allMeasuredVars = c(serviceVars, aircraftVars, ticketingVars)
allLatentVars = c("general_factor", "ticketing", "aircraft","service")
bifactor <- mxModel("bifactor", type="RAM",
manifestVars = allMeasuredVars,
latentVars = allLatentVars,
mxPath(from = allLatentVars , arrows = 2, free = F, values = 1), # latents fixed@1
mxPath(from = allMeasuredVars, arrows = 2), # manifest residuals
# Factor loadings
mxPath(from = "general_factor", to = allMeasuredVars),
mxPath(from = "ticketing" , to = ticketingVars),
mxPath(from = "aircraft" , to = aircraftVars),
mxPath(from = "service" , to = serviceVars),
mxData(cov(ratings[,allMeasuredVars]), type = "cov", numObs = nrow(ratings))
bifactor= mxRun(bifactor)
tmp = summary(bifactor)
If you print the summary (just type
now as we stored it there), you will see a fullsome summary, with standardized and unstandardized paths, std errors, and a list of fit indices.
Here are the fit indices formatted nicely: χ2(42) = 48.57, p = 0.2253; CFI = 0.999; TLI = 0.999; RMSEA = 0.013
Because this is R, we can also format these nicely. Let’s pull out the standardized paths, round them off
pathLoadings = tmp$parameters[,c("row", "col", "Std.Estimate")]
pathLoadings$Std.Estimate = round(pathLoadings$Std.Estimate,2)
row col Std.Estimate
1 Courtesy general_factor 0.78
2 Friendliness general_factor 0.76
3 Helpfulness general_factor 0.84
4 Service general_factor 0.81
5 Seat_Comfort general_factor 0.79
6 Seat_Roominess general_factor 0.72
7 Overhead_Storage general_factor 0.70
8 Clean_Aircraft general_factor 0.74
9 Easy_Reservation general_factor 0.75
10 Preferred_Seats general_factor 0.70
11 Flight_Options general_factor 0.62
12 Ticket_Prices general_factor 0.64
13 Easy_Reservation ticketing 0.31
14 Preferred_Seats ticketing 0.40
15 Flight_Options ticketing 0.39
16 Ticket_Prices ticketing 0.44
17 Seat_Comfort aircraft 0.30
18 Seat_Roominess aircraft 0.37
19 Overhead_Storage aircraft 0.44
20 Clean_Aircraft aircraft 0.34
21 Courtesy service 0.27
22 Friendliness service 0.44
23 Helpfulness service 0.27
24 Service service 0.34
25 Courtesy Courtesy 0.33
26 Friendliness Friendliness 0.23
27 Helpfulness Helpfulness 0.23
28 Service Service 0.23
29 Seat_Comfort Seat_Comfort 0.28
30 Seat_Roominess Seat_Roominess 0.34
31 Overhead_Storage Overhead_Storage 0.32
32 Clean_Aircraft Clean_Aircraft 0.34
33 Easy_Reservation Easy_Reservation 0.34
34 Preferred_Seats Preferred_Seats 0.36
35 Flight_Options Flight_Options 0.47
36 Ticket_Prices Ticket_Prices 0.39
In my next post, I’ll show you how to standardize a model and then format the output more like you might expect for an EFA.
’til then, happy OpenMx-ing! tim
PS: If you want to learn more about fit indices, I recommend this Kenny link.
You probably want a figure as well, no? I describe doing that here.
You probably want a figure as well, no? I describe doing that here.
R Code to Generate the Simulated Data and Run All Analyses
To generate the
data, execute this code below:
# First, we create a matrix of factor loadings.
# This pattern is called bifactor because it has a
# general factor with loadings from all the items
# and specific factors for separate components.
# The outcome variables are also formed as
# combinations of these general and specific factors.
loadings <- matrix(c(
.33, .58, .00, .00, # Ease of Making Reservation
.35, .55, .00, .00, # Availability of Preferred Seats
.30, .52, .00, .00, # Variety of Flight Options
.40, .50, .00, .00, # Ticket Prices
.50, .00, .55, .00, # Seat Comfort
.41, .00, .51, .00, # Roominess of Seat Area
.45, .00, .57, .00, # Availability of Overhead Storage
.32, .00, .54, .00, # Cleanliness of Aircraft
.35, .00, .00, .50, # Courtesy
.38, .00, .00, .57, # Friendliness
.60, .00, .00, .50, # Helpfulness
.52, .00, .00, .58, # Service
.43, .10, .20, .30, # Overall Satisfaction
.35, .50, .40, .20, # Purchase Intention
.25, .50, .50, .00), # Willingness to Recommend
nrow = 15, ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE
# Matrix multiplication produces the correlation matrix,
# except for the diagonal.
cor_matrix <- loadings %*% t(loadings)
# Diagonal set to ones.
diag(cor_matrix) <- 1
# cor_matrix = cov2cor(cor_matrix)
N = 1000
set.seed(7654321) #needed in order to reproduce the same data each time
std_ratings <-, sigma = cor_matrix))
# Creates a mixture of two data sets:
# first 50 observations assigned uniformly lower scores.
ratings <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0,15000),nrow=1000))
ratings[1:50,] <- std_ratings[1:50,] * 2
ratings[51:1000,] <- std_ratings[51:1000,] * 2+7.0
# Ratings given different means
ratings[1] <- ratings[1]+2.2
ratings[2] <- ratings[2]+0.6
ratings[3] <- ratings[3]+0.3
ratings[4] <- ratings[4]+0.0
ratings[5] <- ratings[5]+1.5
ratings[6] <- ratings[6]+1.0
ratings[7] <- ratings[7]+0.5
ratings[8] <- ratings[8]+1.5
ratings[9] <- ratings[9]+2.4
ratings[10]<- ratings[10]+2.2
ratings[11]<- ratings[11]+2.1
ratings[12]<- ratings[12]+2.0
ratings[13]<- ratings[13]+1.5
ratings[14]<- ratings[14]+1.0
ratings[15]<- ratings[15]+0.5
# Truncates Scale to be between 1 and 9
# Rounds to single digit.
# Assigns names to the variables in the data frame called ratings
names(ratings) = c("Easy_Reservation","Preferred_Seats","Flight_Options","Ticket_Prices","Seat_Comfort","Seat_Roominess","Overhead_Storage","Clean_Aircraft","Courtesy","Friendliness","Helpfulness","Service","Satisfaction","Fly_Again","Recommend")
Now you have an object called
to work with.
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